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Intelligent Agent #2
(ninja turtles)

As promised, here is a super simple example of an Intelligent Agent program using NetLogo.

The goal is to find the boundaries within an image. There are powerful algorithms for locating boundaries, but I wanted to do it another way, I wanted to see if Intelligent Agents could be used. As I said in my earlier post, NetLogo provides a rapid prototyping means for creating Agents and offers a visual development and execution environment. Below is the image I started with. Note the low resolution. NetLogo could handle a much higher resolution image, but the image would be too large to fit in this post, so I had to lower the resolution so I could display it here. (now someone who is an expert in NetLogo might point me to a setting to make the ‘patches’ smaller, that would help).

Screen shot before Agent run.

Screen shot after Agents have run a bit.

As you can see, the Agents did a fair job of locating the color contours, and thus the edges.
My approach is bone headed simple. Agents wander around randomly keeping track of the color of recently visited patches. If the new patch is enough different from the prior patch, then it marks the patch White to indicate a boundary.
The approach has a serious flaw, and a weakness. The flaw is that the boundary is dependent on the direction of the Agent at the time it encounters a boundary. For example, an Agent moving from Blue to Red will mark the Red patch, while a neighboring Agent moving from Red to Blue will mark the Blue patch. This causes the edge to be much more ragged than it really is. This could be solved by adding a rule such as always mark the lighter colored patch.
The weakness is the algorithm could be much more efficient. Rather than wander aimlessly, the Agent could try to determine the direction of the edge and follow it. If two Agents collide, one could jump to a new location to let the other complete the boundary.

I am sure you are eager to see some code. OK, here goes:
extensions [bitmap ]

turtles-own [last-color second-last-color hunt-color]

to setup
let img bitmap:import "C:\\Temp\\Desert.jpg"
;;set img bitmap:to-grayscale img
bitmap:copy-to-pcolors img false

create-turtles 10 [fd 10]
ask turtles [
set last-color pcolor
set second-last-color pcolor
set hunt-color pcolor

to hunt
ask turtles[
rt random 50
lt random 50
fd 1
if pcolor = 0
set second-last-color last-color
set last-color pcolor
if isContour second-last-color last-color
[set pcolor [255 255 255]]


to-report isContour [color1 color2]
let retVal false
foreach [0 1 2]
;; show item ?1 color1
if abs (item ?1 color1 - item ?1 color2) > 60 ;; or item ?1 color2 - item ?1 color1 > 60
[set retVal true]
if approximate-rgb item 0 color1 item 1 color1 item 2 color1 = white or approximate-rgb item 0 color2 item 1 color2 item 2 color2 = white
[set retVal false]
report retVal

to jump-elsewhere
set xcor random 40
set ycor random 40
set last-color pcolor
set second-last-color pcolor
set hunt-color pcolor

Intelligent Agents
(ninja Turtles)

Most of us in IT are interested in Artificial Intelligence and leveraging AI techniques to solve current problems.
Intelligent Agents is one branch of AI and although not as sexy as Neural Nets and other branches, it is perhaps the most widely used.
Agents are everywhere, from viruses, to web crawlers, there are many bits of code with a degree of autonomy.
Definitions of Agents can be found on Wikipedia.
In a nutshell, an Intelligent Agent receives data from its environment and makes decisions based on that data.
Agents work for someone, so there is usually a communication and reporting aspect.
If this sounds like the proxy pattern, than I have done a poor job describing it, please see the Wikipedia article which goes into much more detail.

A classic simplified example of Intelligent Agents is called Sheep and Wolves. In the most simple form, you have Sheep agents, Wolf agents and an environment made up of grass. Sheep eat grass, Wolves eat Sheep. Sheep wander around aimlessly as do Wolves. When a Wolf bumps into a Sheep, it eats it. If all the Sheep are eaten, the Wolves all die. If the Sheep over populate, they die of starvation.

Even this simple model can be expanded to make the problem more ‘real’ and interesting.
For example – the sheep could learn when wolves hunt. The wolves could learn when sheep graze. There could be different species of grass that grow at different rates and have differing nutritional value. Food is not the only resource that animals need, so you could introduce water and shelter. Sheep don’t clone themselves, they must find a mate etc. Sheep have a notoriously low learning rate, so if one sheep discovers a new resource, the others are slow to learn about the new resource, but some do eventually learn.

You can see how fun this could get even for a contrived example.

Northwestern University has provided NetLogo, a great, easy to use and visual way to develop models such as described above.
Go here: NetLogo for more info and to get started.
MIT has a similar system: StarLogo

Before you go all Donatello on me, download NetLogo and explore some of the 100 or so included models.

Soon I will post a simple model which can locate edges in an image. I call it color contouring.

Screen shot of Sheep and Wolves model running in NetLogo.